League of Berserk (Android) by socket-games software


Looking for the English software to “League of Berserk (Android)” by socket-games from the album RPG (Downloads 12,571)? More than 44 people have already found information of the software “League of Berserk (Android)”.

League of Berserk for Android - Download the APK from Habererciyes
League of Berserk

Quote from the software “League of Berserk (Android)” by socket-games

League of Berserk is a combination of an RPG and a fighting game where you can create your own character and face tons of enemies, including other players' characters. The combat system is simple: your hero automatically attacks, but you can activate skills and use potions when the timing's right.


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League of Berserk (Android) software [socket-games]

socket-games: League of Berserk (Android) software

More information “League of Berserk (Android)”

    Package Name com.socketgames.KnightBattle License Free Op. System Android Category RPG Language English 1 more Author Socket Games Downloads 12,571 Date Feb 22, 2023 Content Rating +12 Why is this app published on Habererciyes? (More information)
  • Release Date: Feb 22, 2023

League of Berserk (Android) software credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: League of Berserk (Android) software

League of Berserk (Android) of the socket-games Released in Downloads 12,571

[Software “League of Berserk (Android)” with perfect software]

League of Berserk is a combination of an RPG and a fighting game where you can create your own character and face tons of enemies, including other players' characters. The combat system is simple: your hero automatically attacks, but you can activate skills and use potions when the timing's right.

When you win combats, you'll earn experience and money. With the experience, you can level up and improve all of your character's attributes (strength, agility, luck, build). With the money, on the other hand, you can buy better weapons, shields, armor, etc.

Although the battles may not appear to involve much strategy at first, they really do. From the selection of your weapons and armor, to the moment you use your potions, every decision you make affects how each combat turns out. It's especially important to figure out the best times to use the potions, for example.

League of Berserk is an action RPG that offers some pretty good graphics, tons of challenges, dozens of types of characters to unlock, and a really interesting adventure mode.

Download League of Berserk for Android - Download the APK from Habererciyes